SSD1306 Power Consumption

Preface I’m currently doing a project that uses a tiny SSD1306 based OLED display. I’ve searched all over the internet but couldn’t actually find any data on current measurements done by people so I thought I’d do a couple and put them up here! The OLED I’m using is a standard 128×64 pixel version that […]

SSD1306 VHDL FPGA Implementation

I’ve been reading up as much VHDL as possible these last few days as I’ve recently found out that the majority of my summer is going to consist of writing it! After seeing loads of implementations for HD44780 16×2 character based LCDs, I couldn’t find any examples for the easy to get LCDs (by easy, […]

STM32F0 Frequency counter!

So we’ve finally got our second semester project briefs and it has been declared that we need to build a half duplex one direction communication system! Obviously, as its a project given by the university, it can’t be as easy as sending USART down a cable and receiving it, requiring pretty much no effort… at […]

4×4 Font and 100w LED updates!

4×4 Font Well! With the advent of multiple new LCDs to test out, I decided to challenge myself to designing a 4×4 font, a pretty grim task if I’m honest. A 4×4 font with good byte packing could store the whole font set from character 32 to character 127 in 190 bytes. Note that for […]

Eon Ultra – Smartwatch update

Hey all! Sorry for the lack of updates lately, second year really takes it out of you! Exams start in January and its time for my break over Christmas. I just want to thank you all for all the views over this past year (nearly!), I’m already sitting near 9k! For such a niche subject, […]