SSD1306 Power Consumption

Preface I’m currently doing a project that uses a tiny SSD1306 based OLED display. I’ve searched all over the internet but couldn’t actually find any data on current measurements done by people so I thought I’d do a couple and put them up here! The OLED I’m using is a standard 128×64 pixel version that […]

STM32F0 – Software capacitive touch

Capacitive touch is “rad”. By utilizing one of the simplest physical characteristics of an object – charge storage, one is able to measure the presence of a grounded object including touch and pressure. There are a couple of capacitive touch libraries that I’ve seen around but many require dedicated hardware, for example the TSC peripheral […]

SDRAM + VGA + FPGA = SPI Addressable graphics card!

Having already written an SDRAM based VGA controller, I’ve finally got round to writing a simple SPI module that allows my STM32F0 discovery board to write to the SDRAM during blanking. In the video above, I hadn’t implemented a “busy” pin so my STM32F0 was spamming pixels regardless of whether there was blanking or not. […]

STM32F0 – AnyPinServo Library

Servos are great. They generally work really well and contain all the control and drive circuitry for reasonably precise error free position keeping. Servos are interfaced through PPM with the standard generally being deemed as a pulse between 1ms – 2ms and a period of 20ms. I’ve written code before for the STM32F0 discovery boards to allow servos to […]

STM32F0 – High sample rate ADC usage

My current university project is based around non destructive evaluation using ultrasonics. I’ve been delegated the task of trying to design a suitably cheap (cheap being my speciality 😉 ) low end ultrasonic evaluating system. This involves designing the high voltage supply, the output driver, a high speed amplifier system AND the whole digital domain […]

STM32F0 Discovery + AM2302/DHT22

Well tonight has been productive! I’ve managed to get the DS1307 working with my STM32F0 and now the AM2302! I thought that I’d actually done a previous post on interfacing the DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor but it turns out I hadn’t! The method of operation and data transfer is pretty much the same so […]

STM32F0 Frequency counter!

So we’ve finally got our second semester project briefs and it has been declared that we need to build a half duplex one direction communication system! Obviously, as its a project given by the university, it can’t be as easy as sending USART down a cable and receiving it, requiring pretty much no effort… at […]