SSD1306 Power Consumption

Preface I’m currently doing a project that uses a tiny SSD1306 based OLED display. I’ve searched all over the internet but couldn’t actually find any data on current measurements done by people so I thought I’d do a couple and put them up here! The OLED I’m using is a standard 128×64 pixel version that […]

Upcoming 2016!

It has certainly been a stressful Christmas, 5 exams feels so much more than 4! I feel the extra exam is just a spanner in my revision works but hey! Medics get it a ton worse so how can I complain. I’ve had quite a few requests with the MAX7219 8×8 matrix display, namely a […]

HD44780 Library and more!

Well in light of my recent hardware addition, I’ve decided to convert the basis of my HD44780 code into a standalone library. I’ve also added the ability to print signed integer numbers with padding with my whole code including examples compiling to < 3.5k at O0 optimization! Snazzy or what, with O3 optimization, I’ve managed […]